Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ancient shit...

Well we made it to Greece. Got off the plane at around ten and took the bus into town. this morning we walked around to find a place to eat some breakfast and just wonder. I remember people telling me that Greece is really polluted and smoggy. It is but it has character at the same time. Due to the small cluttered shops, beautiful monuments and what not. On the walk we came across lots of abandoned houses, like old (once) nice buildings boarded up and full of shit i.e. torn apart cars, poo, bags upon bags of garbage etc in the middle of the city. Crossing the street is a risk with scooters and motorcycles speeding down the center line and in between lanes of traffic wasn't something i was thinking to see. after lunch we made are way meandering through the junk shop/streetfair kinda thing to the Accorpolis which was amazing. We saw lots of ancient shit. At the top they where doing lots of renovations due to bad renovations around 1920's-30. as you can probly tell from the pictures. On top they had a museum where they had salveged reliefs and statues. Some of the statues even had little traces of orignal paint on them, as you can see in the pictures. which blew my mind that art like that has survived. Other than that i have been taking it easy in the hostle, sweat glazed. its hot but not bad probly 75-80s but now Zeus just cracked the sky open and its like a torrental downpoor.

ps. here is my flicker account to check out the pictures:

mama, i think you would like Ireland, the people have a good sence of humor.

papa, iam taking more pictures of wierd cars that will fit on the camera. i miss you guys.

ellie and russ, hows it going? i got you something.

the kappels, any baby yet?

i miss all you guys and will email people individually if i ever get back on this one computer in greece.

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